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How Are Remayöz Machines Numbered?

How Are Remayöz Machines Numbered?

How Are Remayöz Machines Numbered?

Remayöz machine numbers are classified as 3-5-6-7-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22. As the number increases, the machine thickness decreases. That is, a number 3 machine is the thickest, while a number 16 machine is the thinnest. The thickness of the may used in the machine should match the thickness of the product being sewn. For example, a collar band knitted on a number 7 or 8 knitting machine can only be sewn on a number 10 remayöz machine.
The machine number is measured by the thickness of the mays on it. The number of mays corresponding to 1 inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm) indicates the machine's number.

Needle Numbers

Needle thicknesses used in remayöz machines are directly proportional to the thickness of the may on the remayöz machine. It is very important to choose the appropriate needle for the thickness of the machine. For example, a number 12 remayöz machine should only use a number 12 machine needle.

May Thicknesses

The parts made of steel on the drum of the remayöz machine are called mays. The thickness of the may in the remayöz machine indicates the thickness of the machine. Regardless of the machine's number, the circumference of the machine is always 52.6 inches. As the thickness of the mays increases, the number of mays in the machine decreases, and as the mays become thinner, the number of mays increases.