Parts of Remayöz Machines
Let's examine the parts of the remayöz machines commonly used in the textile industry.
This is the part where the thread bobbins are placed, allowing the thread to be smoothly drawn from above.
This is the section where the components responsible for transferring movement are located, including the turning handle, tension, tension wire, thread guide, joint rod, upper shield, and gear.
This part contains the components that transfer movement, the lower thread guide, tension spring, and needle. It also includes the locking system, pressure arm, mays, marking ring, and lower shield that activate the locking system.
Fabric Holding Table
This part prevents the sewn product from falling to the ground, prevents the product from weighing down on the worker, and holds the necessary tools (such as a line guide, scissors) required during sewing.
This part converts the incoming electrical energy into motion.
Electric Panel
This part ensures that electrical energy enters the machine in a controlled manner.
This part ensures that the machine is firmly secured to the ground.
This part transfers the motor's motion to the machine's working components and is controlled by the foot. The machine's operation at either fast or slow speed is also managed by the pedal.